The most basic and fundamental principles of government ..........................................
We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal;
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;
that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
{ What Are Crimes Against Humanity }
February 2012
United Nations to:
Sacramento, California - City Mayor and Council
2012 - United Nations, independent expert on water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque, says she was shocked that in the richest economy in the world there are still people lacking safe affordable water and sanitation.
The UN independent expert has presented a report to the Human Rights Council following a visit to the United States of America. - This includes, ' Sacramento, California ' - |
* * * * *
Report of the Special Rapporteur on
the human right to safe drinking water
and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque
1. United Nations Report - pdf
2. United Nations Letter to Sacramento - pdf
* * * * *
Citizens throughout the United States of America as well as here in California must have
land areas or better, set aside to accommodate their need for a place to be safe and be
allowed to sleep, and to live and to call home, a land space or whatever, that would be
theirs, their home, their SafeGround, if they become homeless without the means to make
better accommodations for themselves and their family, until they are able to do so.
(... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness ...)
unalienable rights
So very many nights, there are not enough shelter beds or places to
accommodate those homeless in desperate need of a place to sleep
and be, they, in fear of being arrested by police for sleeping, even in a
public place like a city park, as per ordered by some cities, as they can be
considered unlawful or they, the city, may create other so called laws,
like 1 night camping or ......................................................
This, in the United States of America?
Homeless in America is over if you want it!
Court rules homeless can stay
What kind of creatures, ( people ), would not allow an area of land somewhere in a vast
City, County, State, Nation, Earth, for a homeless person to sleep and live upon it?
{{{{{ Cruel, spiritless, greedy, rude, bad creatures. }}}}}
We the People, will not tolerate it.
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